Monday 28 January 2013

100% Natural Plant Fiber Konjac Water Sponge

100% 纯天然植物纤维魔芋水球

White Sponge

魔芋水球,就像水一样轻柔你的肌肤! 它不但能在不伤害肌肤的情况下把阻塞的毛孔清洁溜溜, 还能补水,按摩,让肌肤更年轻,更水润!

- 吸水力强, 质地柔软,超级温和,不会拉扯及伤害皮肤。
- 呈弱碱性, 自动中和分解肌肤上的脏污。
- 起泡力比一般海绵强十倍, 大大节省香皂, 洗面乳。
- 富含葡甘聚糖为皮肤细胞提供丰富的营养。
- 水球边缘可以清洗鼻翼,皮肤夹缝, 一般洗不干净的地方。
- 有弹性,依据皮肤线条,凹凸部位,轻松深入清洗。

100% Natural Plant Fiber Konjac Water Sponge

Konjac water sponge, gentle to your skin like water! It can clean clogged pores without harming your skin,. Moistures, gentle massages and exfoliates your skin, make your skin younger, healthier and more beauty!

- Strong water absorption power, extremely soft & gentle, won't pull & damage the skin.
- Weakly alkaline, automatically decomposition dirt on the skin. Using pure physic principle exfoliate, wont hurt the skin.
- Bubbling power 10 times stronger than the normal sponge, greatly save soap & cleanser.
- Unique design; can clean alae of nose, narrow area, which hardly reaches by using hand, easily. Elastic; easily clean skin convex & concave parts by follow skin lines.

Email to order: 
1) Black Sponge RM38.00 per unit, 3 in a box for RM100.00 + free 1 unit of white sponge (plus pos laju RM7 for Peninsula or RM12 for Sabah Sarawak)
2) White Sponge RM2o per unit, 3 units for RM50.00 (plus pos laju RM7 for Peninsula, or RM12 for Sabah Sarawak)

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