Friday 9 May 2014

Vacuum Storage Pot

Vacuum Storage Pot

For the storage of all.

This products sealed material used high performance of natural silicone, four heavy sealed layer, can ensure long-term and absolute of vacuum state.

Method of use: Central the hand pump rod and push down tight, fast twitch the air pump rod up and down a dozen times until you feel tighter. To open the tank cover just press down the vent of the jar will do.

Size: 1.25L and 1.8L

Product weight: 0.75kg/three-piece/set
Product material: natural silicone, ABS, PS
Packaging: color box
Product size: height: 20* diameter: 12cm
Packing size: 21.5*13.5*13CM

Each jar has been tested before packed.

用于储存一切易受潮、易氧化、易霉变的物品。 本产品密封材料采用高性能的天然硅胶,四重密封层,能确保长期地、绝对的真空状态,从而起到防氧化、防潮、防蛀、防霉、保鲜的功能!使用对象如:照相机、镜头、饼干、荼叶、mp4、dv带、人参、海马、鹿茸、香菇、木耳、咖啡豆、巧克力、龙眼、核桃......等等! 使用方法:左手持抽气筒对准罐中央的通气口并用力压紧,右手握气泵杆上下快速抽动十几次,当手感越来越紧即成真空状态。压下出气口即可放气和打开罐盖。 产品规格:大 1.8L 小1.25L

商品毛重:0.75kg/三件/套 商品材质:天然硅胶、abs、ps 商品包装:彩盒 商品尺寸:高:20*直径:12cm 包装尺寸:21.5*13.5*13CM 【说明】 本店每个罐子在发出之前都是先测试后打包的。 罐子漏不漏气,主要在盖子的胶圈平整不平整。用手顺着盖子的密封胶圈摸一圈,看有无明显不平整的地方,如果有,请用手抹平或拆下胶圈重新装上,注意均匀地装上就好了。

Price: RM45 + shipping to peninsula RM9 or RM12 to sabah sarawak


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